We are so proud and excited to announce that BitNinja team is one of the eight selected startups in Cyber London’s second accelerator programme.

It has been a long-awaited goal of us which is a perfect opportunity to rise BitNinja to the next level. It means lots of passionate work, helpful mentorship and a dynamic environment to us, that couldn’t fit more as we are great enthusiastics about what we do.
About CyLon
Cyber London’s Europe’s first dedicated cyber security start-up accelerator and incubator. With its 14-week programme, they help the selected teams with innovative business ideas to learn from the best mentors, get access to professional training and expand their business network.
It is the second programme of CyLon, after the first batch graduated with huge success. The eight selected start-ups – including BitNinja – are so diverse, having such impressive ideas that we are sure, we won’t get bored for a moment. We can’t wait to start working with the other teams from the UK, Finland, Israel, South-Africa and Brazil.

The MD of Cyber London, Kirsten Connell, ensured us we are in the best hands from the very first day. There’s no reason to doubt, she’s the one, who have previously been managing Seedcamp.
Sponsors and Partners
The sponsors and partners, providing professional support during the programme are fully dedicated to CyLon’s success:
BAE Systems Applied Intelligence, expertised in cyber security, financial crime, communications intelligence and digital transformation.
Amadeus Capital Partners, as one of Europe’s leading technology investors, has raised over £650m for investment and backed more than 100 companies.
Epsilon Advisory Partners is a strategic advisory firm, based in London, helps businesses to grow and expand.
Winton is an investment management company specialising in mathematical analysis of financial time series and portfolios, who kindly provides the office for the start-ups with welcoming hospitality.
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP’s global cyber security team helps companies with the full range of legal and regulatory-related cyber security risks.
And last, but not least, Fried Frank is a leading New York-headquartered international law firm. It works closely with top accelerators, venture capital and other investors, government agencies and professional services firms in the US, UK and throughout Europe.
Next steps
The programme itself starts right before Christmas and ends in March with an in-house Demo-Day. Start-ups will be prepared to present their businesses to potential customers, investors and partners at this day.
As the programme is located in London, Hammersmith, a few members of the BitNinja team moved their headquarters to the most-British city. Wish the team good luck!
We are so excited to share any updates and experiences with you in the future.